Auto Insurance Basics | 111 Insurance Information Institute

ltcinsuranceshopper By ltcinsuranceshopper March 28, 2024

 Auto Insurance Basics

Car insurance is a contract between the policyholder and the insurance company. The policyholder agrees to pay the premium and the insurance company agrees to pay the loss as specified in the policy. Auto insurance provides property, liability, and medical coverage: 

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Property insurance covers damage or theft of a vehicle.

Civil liability coverage covers the legal liability of the policyholder to third parties in the event of personal injury or property damage. Medical insurance covers the cost of injury treatment, rehabilitation, and sometimes monthly expenses and funeral expenses.

Most states require drivers to carry auto insurance before they can legally operate a vehicle. (Workers’ insurance pays for the other driver’s medical bills, car repairs, and other expenses when the at-fault party is responsible for a car accident.) All states have laws that set minimum liability limits. . insurance or other financial guarantees that drivers must pay for damages caused. their negligence while driving and accidents. Most auto insurance policies last six months to one year. A basic car insurance policy includes six different types of coverage, each with a different price (see below).


1. Responsibility for personal injury 

This coverage applies to injuries caused to another person by the policyholder and their family members named in the policy. These people are also covered when they drive other vehicles with a license. Because drivers involved in serious accidents can be sued for large sums of money, drivers may choose to purchase more than the minimum state requirements to protect personal assets such as their home and savings.


2. Medical bills or Personal Injury Protection (PIP) 

This coverage covers the treatment of injuries to the driver and passengers of the owner’s vehicle. In its broadest form, PIP can cover medical expenses, lost wages, and wage replacement provided by a person injured in a car accident. This can also cover funeral expenses.


3. Responsibility for property damage 

The Police Locks are damaged (or the person who uses his authority) and can cause a problem with someone else. Usually the damage to another car, but it includes damage to the lamp, phone code, the park, or other buildings beat an accident. 4. Collision 

This coverage covers damage to the insured vehicle that results from a collision with another vehicle, object, or collision. It also covers damage caused by wells. Collision insurance is usually sold with a deductible of $250 to $1,000: the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. Even if the insured is at fault for the accident, the collision insurance will reimburse them for repairing the car, less the deductible. If the policyholder is not at fault, the insurance company may try to recover the amount paid from the other driver’s insurance company. If the company is successful, policyholders will also be compensated for what will be withdrawn.


5. Perfect 

This coverage compensates for losses due to theft or damage other than a collision with a vehicle or other objects, such as fire, falling objects, missiles, explosions, earthquakes, wind, hail, floods, vandalism, disturbances, or contact with animals. like a bird or a deer. Comprehensive insurance is usually sold with deductibles of $100 to $300, although policyholders may opt for higher deductibles to reduce their premiums. Comprehensive insurance can also reimburse policyholders if the air conditioner explodes or breaks. Some companies offer different types of insurance with or without deductibles. The state does not require the purchase of collision or comprehensive insurance, but lenders may insist that lenders keep it until the car loan is paid off.


6. Uninsured and uninsured motorist coverage 

Uninsured motorist coverage will reimburse the offender, family member, or named driver if the uninsured driver or motorist is involved in an accident. run hit one of them. Uninsured motorist coverage comes into play when the at-fault driver does not have enough insurance to pay for the other driver’s losses. This coverage will also protect the insured who is hit while driving.

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