90 Day Fiance: Juan Caves and Admits to Cheating on Cruise – Recap [S11E04]

ltcinsuranceshopper By ltcinsuranceshopper March 13, 2025

On 90 Day Fiance, Juan David Daza finally gets some runny eggs and privacy, but caves when Jessica Parson‘s friend pressures him into admitting a fling on his cruise. Greg Chillak stands up for Joan Kruchov when his mom wants to restrict her showers but disappoints her in another way. Alliya de Batista is true to herself at her visa meeting while Shawn Finch worries. And Mahdi is overwhelmed by Stevi Nichole‘s art. Let’s take a closer look in this recap of Season 11 Episode 4 Love Is The Absence Of Judgement.

90 Day Fiance: Juan David Daza Admits to Cheating on Cruise

On 90 Day Fiance, Juan David Daza finally gets some alone time with Jessica Parsons but ends up caving under pressure and admitting to her friends he cheated. Juan likes his eggs like his women, a little on the loose side. So Jessica delivers a breakfast in bed consisting of runny eggs and a banana. Followed by some snuggle time under the covers. Next is a trip to downtown Torrington. Juan David Daza is underwhelmed by the lack of restaurants (only six).

Juan David Daza misses the excitement and variety of cruise life. But Jessica Parsons is determined to show him the charm of small-town life. So, she suggests a dive bar. After trying to explain what a dive bar actually is, Jessica takes him to meet her friends and sample local cuisine. This includes rocky mountain oysters AKA bull balls. Juan is a good sport and chows down on the deep-fried testicular treat likening it to chicken.

Jessica’s friends still want to find out if Juan David Daza got carried away with customer service on a cruise on 90 Day Fiance. Juan waffles that it’s his personal life and therefore not their business. But Jessica’s friend Megin is relentless. And Juan David Daza caves and admits he slept with a passenger. Oddly Megin begins to cry and Jessica Parsons just kind of looks on. She claims she wasn’t in the best place when the cheating occurred. Leading to Megin slipping that Jessica Parsons may have cheated too.

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90 Day Fiance: Greg Chillak Turns Down an Opportunity

90 Day Fiance couple Greg Chillak and Joan Kruchov are thrilled to wake up together in America. Greg even says it’s the best feeling he’s ever had. Until the buzz of a lawnmower interrupts. It’s Greg’s mom. And he opens the window so they can yell out a hello. Greg Chillak makes breakfast while Joan showers. His mom has concerns since she showered the night before. And inquires if she’s expecting to freely use the hot water there because it could pose a problem.

So, his mom questions Joan Kruchov about the frequency and temperature of the showers. Hinting it could get a little expensive. She suggests she could sub out one of her showers with a jump in the pool.  Greg Chillak attempts to make Joan feel more at home by taking her to a large supermarket. While Joan warms to the beautiful selection of fresh produce, Greg drops the bomb that he was offered a state job and turned it down. So, the okra and hot showers might have to wait.

TLC Couple Shawn Finch an Alliya de Batista Return

Former 90 Day Fiance: Love In Paradise stars Shawn Finch and Alliya de Batista are back. A flashback reveals Alliya left him at the altar. It seems Alliya “felt frozen ” inside and didn’t follow through. Shawn is quite a bit older than Alliya. And when he met her , she was still identifying as a man named Douglas. But now proudly identifies as a transgender woman. Alliya tries to decide who she should show up as for her visa interview.

Shawn Finch gives a glimpse into his past as a celebrity hair stylist and married father. But now he’s doing what he can to make things comfortable in his Hollywood home for Alliya de Batista. He is concerned if she goes to the visa meeting as Alliya, she could lose her opportunity if the interviewer is biased. So, the story will continue to play out on this season of 90 Day Fiance.

90 Day Fiance: Mahdi Freaked out by Stevi Nichole’s Art

While Mahdi was curious to when the flashing for beads would begin on Bourbon Street, he didn’t expect so many boobs awaiting him at his new home at Stevi Nichole‘s. Her colorful renderings of boobs on canvas make him a little uncomfortable. Along with a cat and a creepy doll who makes him feel like he’s starring in a scary movie. He worries that her penchant for mammary masterpieces could indicate she likes women. And in that case he would feel catfished.

A tour of downtown Hattiesburg is a little less scary on 90 Day Fiance. But Stevi Nichole admits she only just told her dad about their relationship. Even though she had a year to do so. Later, Mahdi will meet her dad. He feels uneasy since he knows their could be some fears or misconceptions surrounding his country. And he’s concerned that Stevi lied to him and her dad.

Mina Mack Meets Mark Bessette’s Neighbors

Mina Mack is still stewing over the argument she had with Mark Bessette in the hot tub on 90 Day Fiance. However, he smooths things over with a cappuccino in bed. They pack up for a hike and Mina admits she really isn’t outdoorsy. And not a fan of carrying coolers into the woods when she could sling a baguette over her shoulder and picnic at the Louvre. Mark Bessette plans a barbecue with his neighborhood aviation community.

Mina Mack meets lots of colorful yet senior neighbors of Mark with nicknames like “Martini Pat”. Mina confides her woes about Mark prioritizing his daughter Jordan’s wishes over her own. The neighbors empathize but warn that somebody will lose out in the end. Mark and Mina have fun in bed after the barbecue. But he does tell her he wants her and his daughter to work out their differences.

In Tijuana, 90 Day Fiance throuple Matt Jlassi, Amani Jlassi and Any Aguirre finally meet up. There’s lots of hugging and innuendo, and they head back to their hotel. Where Amani gifts Any with some teeny tiny lingerie before the three get down to business. But it seems tension and jealousy between Amani and Any could derail their long term plan of thrappily ever after. Till next time!

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