12 Insurance Business Blog Topic Ideas

ltcinsuranceshopper By ltcinsuranceshopper February 3, 2025

Thinking of exciting insurance business blog topic ideas is often much more difficult than writing the articles themselves. Yet, a great topic is crucial. After all, the last thing you want to do is to invest time in writing a blog post that goes unread or has no impact on lead generation and conversions.

To be effective, you need to know exactly what your audience wants to read and you need to produce content that will help your prospects move through the buyer’s journey. The majority of your topics should fall into the category of helpful and informational thought leadership – rather than being self-promotional.

This may seem like a tall order, but it’s actually simpler than you may expect. That’s because the most successful blog topic ideas fall into just 12 main categories.

  1. Developing Trends. Your prospects want to know what’s likely to happen in the future. Use your knowledge of the insurance industry to make informed predictions about future trends or report on new research and statistics. This can be helpful to readers, as it guides their actions now and helps them prepare them for whatever changes are around the corner.
  2. Interviews. Customers are just one group of people you can interview — you should also see if you can interview some leading figures in your area of the insurance industry or your company’s ecosystem. They may be happy to do this for the publicity. When interviewing an expert, focus on advice rather than talking about the person’s background, as this will be much more valuable for your audience. You can then publish a transcript of the interview (tidied up to make a pleasant read) or rewrite it as an article.
  3. How-tos. Readers like information they can act upon. How-tos can provide a solution to a problem, teach readers a better way of carrying out a process, or help customers to learn a new skill. You can use how-tos at any stage of the funnel — they can draw attention to an issue that users were unaware they even had, communicate best practices, or help customers gain more from your offerings (perhaps leading to an upsell or cross sell).
  4. Myths and Mistakes. Learning about myths and mistakes is appealing to readers, as they don’t want to fall into the same trap as those who came before them. Whatever topic you cover, make sure the myths you write about are actual misconceptions and the mistakes are events that actually happened to someone. Manufacturing stories just to create a blog post could cause your audience to lose trust in you. Finally, it’s a good idea to put a positive spin on “myths and mistake” blog posts to increase clicks. Backlinko found that positive headlines improve the click through rate by approximately 4%.
  5. FAQs. If customers are often messaging you with the same questions, turn each one of these queries into a blog post. You can also come up with questions to answer based on your keyword research.
  6. Behind the Scenes. Pull back the curtain and show readers what goes on behind the scenes at your company to help humanize your business. The best way to make such blog posts interesting is to focus on a single member of staff, through a day-in-the-life format. This will help customers feel a stronger connection to your company and can lead to brand loyalty.
  7. Case Studies. Readers need to know that your offerings will meet their needs; one of the best ways to demonstrate this is through social proof. To do turn case studies into blog posts, you’ll need to get permission from satisfied customers. It may even be worth interviewing customers to gain more details about the challenges they were facing before they started working with you and how the product made a difference. If you’re a B2B company, you’ll likely find that clients are more than willing to be the subject of a case study, as the blog post will promote their business, too. The case study should illustrate the customer journey – the problem they needed to solve, the solutions they tried and how the ultimate solution worked better. Avoid a lot of self-promotion. You can allow the story to subtly make the case. Ideally, you’ll want a case study for each of your buyer personas.
  8. The Cost of Services. It can be frustratingly difficult to find information about pricing online. You may have had the experience yourself of clicking on endless links, only to receive vague answers that left you none the wiser. For this reason, providing customers with information about pricing can be an instant hit. Plus, there are various ways you can discuss pricing, including cost comparisons, mini case studies, a breakdown of pricing models, and discussing the key elements of coverage and how they can be modified.
  9. Comparisons of Companies or Offerings. Beyond pricing, there are other ways comparisons can be useful to your audience. For instance, you can compare your own business to your competitors. This is a great way to highlight the unique benefits you offer customers. Alternatively, you can help customers choose between the different insurance products or services you have to offer.
  10. Best-of Lists. After customers have realized they have a need for a particular type of insurance product, they often research the best options. To make sure your offerings appear such Google searches, write your own list. In addition to word “best,” there may be other superlatives that relate to your particular offerings. Do keyword research to find out what users are searching for. Unlike a comparison blog post, you’ll need to specifically highlight what makes each item on the list a good option — but you’ll still need to ensure yours comes out on top. You can show how your offering is best for your target audience through characteristics such as price, customer service, and features that your specific audience needs.
  11. Industry or Societal News. Whenever something new happens in the world, there’s an opportunity for a blog post. This tactic is sometimes referred to as “newsjacking.” If you can find ways to relate world events to insurtech products and services, you have an interesting story. Topics like inflation, the stock market, weather events, tragedies, rising building costs and supply chain disruption are all good examples. If readers find out about a breaking news story from you or if you can provide original insights into key implications, you’ll position your business as an authority.
  12. Company News. Use this type of article sparingly – maybe once a quarter. You don’t want to be the company that only talks about itself – we all know some people like that and it can get a little old! Only publish “company news” blog posts when you have something significant to share with your audience.

There’s no need to struggle to find insurance business blog topic ideas that resonate with your audience. When you subscribe to our blog writing services, we help you craft a compelling editorial calendar.

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